Extralabs Software RSS Submit 1.6
RSS Submit will quickly and automatically submit your RSS feed to most of existing RSS directories. Currently, RSS Submit is the most reliable and popular tool for promoting your RSS feeds. It is amazingly easy to work with RSS Submit. Actually everything you need to do is to specify a link to the RSS feed and click the ‘Submit’ button! Due to the built-in feed detection tool, you can enter only the domain of your site. Furthermore, this application will fill out all necessary fields and check your RSS feed for errors.
RSS Submit supports all existing types of RSS directories. The directory database is regularly updated to make the submission effect as prominent as possible. RSS Submit requires practically no attention from the user. Due to the high quality site database and thought-out engine, RSS feeds are submitted completely automatically. If you want to increase the popularity of your RSS feed several times and improve its positions in search engines, try RSS Submit right now!